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throughout Australia and New Zealand.
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Guidelines for advertising vacant positions
- Advertisements for positions within Australia and New Zealand for geriatricians or advanced trainees in geriatric medicine will be posted and/or emailed to ANZSGM Members by the Executive. For all other cases (including where there is any ambiguity), internal guidance will be sought prior to posting/emailing any information to members.
- When approached in writing by a member in private practice or working at a registered not-for-profit organisation, position advertisements will be posted on the website at no charge. For example, a vacant private locum position requested by a member would be advertised without charge.
- Other organisations such as recruitment agencies, or government run or subsidised organisations (including hospitals and aged care providers), will be charged to advertise to ANZSGM Members via email and/or the Society website. For example, a specialist position at a public hospital would incur an advertising fee.
- Position adverts posted on the website for Advanced Trainee positions will not incur a fee, regardless of the method of approach.
- Position adverts will be posted for the recruitment window provided. Position adverts without a specific recruitment window will be listed for a period no greater than six (6) months.
To submit a request for inclusion on our website please ensure you have read the above guidelines, complete this form and contact us via email.