Our priority policy areas are determined by Council taking into consideration current issues affecting older people and geriatricians. Our Advocacy Strategy is implemented by Council at an organisation wide level and through our Divisions at local level.
We work collaboratively with government and other medical bodies to develop new policy and improve existing policy in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. By drawing on the clinical expertise of our members we respond to public consultations through submissions that help shape decision making and push for key changes in healthcare.
We maintain networks and partnerships across other professional organisations to highlight the profile of Geriatric Medicine in the Asia Pacific region. The ANZSGM will endorse policies and guidelines produced by other professional bodies that support the mission of the Society. If you are seeking endorsement please email us and we will consider your request.
Our policy and advocacy work is developed through the expertise of our Committees for Policy and Planning and Clinical Advocacy and our Special Interest Groups. If you are interested in joining this work or if you would like the ANZSGM to contribute to your organisation’s consultation, please email [email protected].
The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety
The findings of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety were outlined in the Final Report released March 2021 and have presented a road map for fundamental reform of the aged care system.
The ANZSGM played an ongoing role in the Royal Commission by providing witness statements and responses to several consultations throughout the process. Geriatricians have significant expertise in the core themes raised by the Royal Commission such as dementia care, mediation use and the minimisation of chemical restraints such as antipsychotics.
The ANZSGM supports the Royal Commission’s broad recommendation that better systems must be implemented in order to meet the complex medical needs of older people in aged care and we will use these recommendations to inform our policy work and define our priorities moving forward.