What is a Geriatrician?
A geriatrician is a consultant physician trained in geriatric medicine through the Royal Australasian College of Physicians or has achieved an equivalent and recognised standard of training.
A geriatrician is an expert in the medical diagnosis and management of the health of older people across the complexity of the multiple conditions that may be present in older patients and in the diagnosis and management of geriatric syndromes.
Geriatricians value the importance of their role in research and teaching and as an advocate for the health concerns of older people, to ensure improvement in the quality of care for older people in all settings.
Please review the ANZSGM Position Statement Defining what is a Consultant Physician in Geriatric Medicine for further information.
Additional information
Australian resources
- Dementia Australia
- My Aged Care
- Australian Association of Gerontology
- Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
- Australian Medical Association
- Australian Prescriber
- Council on the Ageing
- National Aged Care Alliance
- National Blood Authority – Patient Blood Management Guidelines Progress Updates
- Australian & New Zealand Hip Fracture Registry
- Australian Government Aged Care Page
- Medicare Benefits Schedule Review Taskforce newsletters
- Department of Health – Health Care Homes
- The Western Australian Centre for Health and Ageing
- Australasian Journal on Ageing
- Australian Pain Society
New Zealand resources
- Age Concern New Zealand
- Alzheimer’s NZ
- Elder Care Canterbury
- HART Health and Ageing Research Team
- Osteoporosis New Zealand
- NZ Continence Association
- Stroke Foundation of New Zealand
- The New Zealand Association of Gerontology
- New Zealand Ministry of Health
- Medsafe
- Ministry of Social Development – Seniors
- Pharmac
International resources
- American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry
- American Geriatrics Society
- British Geriatrics Society
- Fragility Fracture Network
- Help Age International
- Hong Kong Geriatric Society
- International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics
- International Federation on Ageing
- United Nations Program on Ageing
- Aging Research Centre
- National Institute on Aging (US)
- Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
Published articles
- 30 Years of Geriatric Therapeutics : Rohan Elliott and Michael Woodward AM
- Geriatric medicine and pharmacy practice: a historical perspective : Rohan Elliott and Michael Woodward AM
- Geriatric Medicine: an introduction. Edited by Gideon Caplan (Prince of Wales Hospital, Randwick, and University of New South Wales
- Interventions for preventing delirium in hospitalised non-ICU patients. Published by Cochrane Australia
- White Book on Frailty: endorsed by the International Association on Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) / Global Aging Research Network (GARN)