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The ANZSGM Resource Library provides a catalogue of ANZSGM’s position statements, submissions and evidence-based publications that have been researched and written by ANZSGM members along with other articles that support the work of geriatricians.
If you can’t find what you are looking for please email [email protected].
“People Living Normal Lives” Transforming the model and design of Safe Care for residents in Rotorua – A Concept For Residential Dementia Design And Care – Whare Aroha CARE
ASM Presentation | 2017
Therese Jeffs - Friday, 12 May 2017
“Up Time in Hospital Study”: Preliminary findings
ASM Presentation | 2015
Dr Olga Theou - Wednesday, 6 May 2015
A better way to care – a national approach to improving the identification and care of patients with dementia and delirium in hospitals
ASM Presentation | 2015
Anne Cummings - Thursday, 7 May 2015
A case for national clinical practice guidelines for dementia in Australia
ASM Presentation | 2015
A/Prof Craig Whitehead - Wednesday, 6 May 2015
A controlled trial of Vertebroplasty for Acute Painful Osteoporotic FractURe(Vapour Trial)
ASM Presentation | 2016
Prof Peter Gonski, W Clark, P Bird, T Diamond, P Smerdely, H McNeil, G Schlaphoff, C Bryant, E Barnes and V Gebski - Thursday, 2 June 2016
A laboratory-derived early warning score for the prediction of in-hospital mortality, ICU admission, Medical Emergency Team activation and Cardiac Arrest in older patients in general medical wards
ASM Presentation | 2018
Dr Hasanka Ratnayake - Wednesday, 27 June 2018
A multifactorial approach for treating dizziness in older people: a randomised- controlled trial
ASM Presentation | 2016
Prof Stephen Lord, Jasmine Menant, Prof Jacqueline Close, Americo Migliaccio, Nick Titov, Kim Delbaere, Daina Sturnieks and Dr Catherine McVeigh - Thursday, 2 June 2016
A Pilot study of early discharge in delirium: A light on the hill?
ASM Presentation | 2015
Whiting E, Tattam K, Thompson L, Pandy S, Turner M, Eeles E - Thursday, 7 May 2015
A pilot study of perioperative management of anticoagulated geriatric patients with fractured neck of femur in a university teaching hospital
ASM Presentation | 2018
Dr Linda Xu - Wednesday, 27 June 2018
A randomized controlled trial to assess the effectiveness and acceptability of an educational video on hospital falls prevention and management for junior doctors.
ASM Presentation | 2015
Dr Wendy Harrod - Thursday, 7 May 2015