Press Clippings
10 March 2024
ABC Online
In Australia’s biggest trauma hospital, doctors are seeing an increase in older patients and Geriatricians are trying something new to help treat them. Featuring Dr Margot Lodge.
22 July 2022
ABC iView The Virus
Vasi Naganathan is interviewed by Jeremy Fernandez on COVID-19 in residential aged care as Australia faces its worst wave since the pandemic began.
11 May 2021
ABC AM with Sabra Lane and Linda Mottram Aged Care Workers say budget boost not enough – John Maddison provides comment on the concerning shortfall of the proposed federal aged care budget emphasising that it won’t meet the demand for services and staff needed to deliver them.
2 March 2021
ABC Radio National Life Matters
Reducing antipsychotic use in aged care – Edward Strivens joins Stephen Macfarlane in a discussion on the impact of antipsychotic medicines and the Royal Commission’s recommendations around this intervention.
2 December 2020
ABC Radio National Big Ideas with Paul Barclay COVID, climate change, and older Australians – Vasi Naganathan joins this moderated discussion on the impact of COVID-19 on older Australians most at risk from climate-induced health impacts, none more so that those in residential aged care. This discussion, moderated by Paul Barclay, from the 2020 AAG conference, examines how we can address these challenges.
28 August 2020
ABC Radio National Breakfast with Hamish Macdonald Aged Care Minister slammed for handling of COVID crisis featuring an interview with Dr Clare White, Senior Geriatrician and Clinical Services Director, Western Health.
17 August 2020
ABC 7.30
Frontline doctors and nurses sent into aged care crisis speak out featuring Melbourne geriatrician Dr Jesse Zanker who discusses his personal experience of working in aged care homes heavily infected with COVID-19.
27 July 2020
ABC Radio National The World Today with Sally Sara
Medical experts raise concerns about staff workloads in aged care featuring an interview with John Maddison
4 March 2020
ABC Radio National Life Matters
Protecting elderly Australians from coronavirus – John Maddison joins the discussion on how the aged care sector is preparing to protect older Australians from coronavirus.
3 January 2020
ABC Radio National Breakfast with Fran Kelly
‘Concerns over Federal Government plan to change aged care assessment process’
13 January 2020
ABC Radio National Life Matters with Michael Mackenzie
‘Privatising the ACATS’
22 February 2020
The Saturday Paper
Aged care assessment reform may be ‘accounting trick’ by Rick Morton
4 March 2020
ABC Radio National Life Matters with Hilary Harper and Michael Mackenzie
‘Protecting elderly Australians from coronavirus’
2-8 November 2019
The Saturday Paper
Outsourcing to hit ‘dysfunctional’ aged care system by Rick Morton
Media Releases
13 December 2019
Changes to Aged Care Assessment Teams will have a negative impact on the care of older Australians
9 May 2019
ANZSGM Annual Scientific Meeting will bring together experts in the field of geriatric medicine