2025 Australian Pain Society 45th Annual Scientific Meeting
Pullman Melbourne Albert Park, VIC
The (APS) are delighted to welcome you back to Melbourne, from 13 – 16 April 2025 for the 45th Annual Scientific Meeting. It has been 13 years since we were last in Melbourne, and as one Australia’s most vibrant, diverse and multi-cultural cities we are looking forward to a diverse program that showcases the breadth of pain management research, education, theory, and practice. For APS 2025, the Scientific Program Committee (SPC) has once again curated an outstanding program including: • National and International Speakers • Pre-Conference Workshops • Topical Sessions • Extensive Industry Exhibition • Sponsored Sessions • Trainee Session • Welcome Reception • Conference Gala Dinner • Additional social activities to help delegates connect and network with like-minded peers.
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The AFN Summit for 2025 will be held in Sydney. Prof Ken Rockwood will be the international guest speaker, with the event’s theme being “Improving healthcare for people with frailty”. Abstracts are now open.
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IAGG World Congress 2023
RAI Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The 23rd IAGG world congress of gerontology and geriatrics "Ageing well in a globalized world".
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The 33rd National Conference on Incontinence (NCOI)
Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart, Davey Street, Hobart TAS 7000
The Continence Foundation of Australia will host the 33rd National Conference on Incontinence (NCOI) from 7 - 10 May 2025 in Hobart, Tasmania. NCOI 2025 is Australia’s premier multidisciplinary meeting for health professionals working in bladder, bowel and pelvic health. The Scientific Committee, led by Women’s Health Education Network CEO Peta Titter and Geriatrician Dr Liza Lau, are working hard to bring together an impressive range of experts to deliver thought-provoking presentations and workshops over the course of the four-day program. This year’s theme is “Leadership and Connection”. Our keynote opening will feature Dr Jana Pittmann, a two-time world champion and four-time Commonwealth champion in athletics. Jana transitioned from track and field to become the first woman to represent Australia in both Summer and Winter Olympic Games. Faced with incontinence through her sporting career in training and performing at the elite level and later postpartum, as a mother of six, Jana took active steps to help manage her incontinence through pelvic floor training. Jana has been active in promoting pelvic health and has supported the Foundation in the work to remove stigma of incontinence within the wider community. Call for Abstracts: submissions for podium or ePoster abstracts are now open until 11:59pm Wednesday 15th January 2025. Please visit website for more information on how to submit. https://continence.eventsair.com/ncoi25/call-for-abstracts
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5th International Conference on Cardiology
Paris, France
We are delighted to invite you to the 5th International Conference on Cardiology, from November 28-29, 2025 in Paris, France where ground-breaking discoveries and advancements in cardiac care will take center stage under the theme “Exploring New Horizons in Cardiology and Research” Heart 2025 conference highlights the new innovative technology in cardiovascular medicine, cardio diseases, paediatric and adolescent cardiology, cardio surgery, cardiac nursing, interventional cardiology, geriatric cardiology and all Cardiology related subjects. All information: https://www.heart.scientexconference.com/ Check the Scientific Program https://www.heart.scientexconference.com/scientificprogram
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Australian Dementia Research Forum 2025
Pan Pacific Perth, 207 Adelaide Terrace, Perth, Western Australia
The Australian Dementia Research Forum is the premier annual event that brings together dementia researchers, health professionals, policy makers, and people living with dementia and their families and carers to discuss the latest research, innovations, and best practices in dementia. The theme for the ADRF2025 is The Future of Dementia Prevention, Research and Care with particular focus on exciting new innovations in the field. The Forum is a meeting place for national and global experts to share the latest developments in dementia research, care and policy and to challenge perceptions of living with or caring for someone with a dementia diagnosis.
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British Geriatrics Society Spring Meeting
Waterfront Hall, Belfast, UK & Online
The BGS Spring Meeting will cover the latest scientific research and the best clinical practice in care of older people. Our ageing population is stimulating extensive NHS service redesign to deal with the challenge of caring for larger numbers of older people both in and out of hospitals. This conference will cover core areas of interest to all specialists responsible for the health care of older people. Face to face and online meeting participation is available at the time of registration. In person attendance is recommended to get the best experience out of the conference. The meeting has applied for 18 live CPD credits.
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Faculty of Psychiatry of Old Age NSW, Educational Event
St Leonards, Sydney, NSW or Online
The NSW subcommittee of the Faculty of Psychiatry of Old Age is hosting an educational event online and in person at the Kolling Institute, Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards, Sydney. The theme is Medicolegal, ethical and forensic issues in working with older adults. We have engaged some fantastic experts in the field speaking on a range of topics including writing medicolegal reports, tackling tricky capacity assessments, how to respond to a complaint and demystifying what happens in the criminal justice system. This is an online or in-person event. Check out the program for more details.
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