Welcome to the Australian and New Zealand
Society for Geriatric Medicine
The Australian and New Zealand Society for Geriatric Medicine (ANZSGM) is the peak
professional society for geriatricians and other medical practitioners who wish to
advance equitable access to the highest quality care and foster excellence in
health care of older persons in Australia and New Zealand.
We support the needs of geriatricians in Australia and New Zealand to help them provide
the best possible care to older people. Our focus is on policy development and education.
We advocate to government for improvement and innovation in aged care medical services and for the professional needs of geriatricians. ANZSGM members represent the organisation on committees and
advisory groups whose purpose is to shape the future of older people across Australia and New Zealand.
We set, promote and continuously improve the standards of clinical practice in geriatrics
throughout Australia and New Zealand. The Society is the chief advocacy group for specialists
in aged care and aims to facilitate training and professional development to improve
medical practice to enhance the quality of care for our patients.