The Organising Committee have made the difficult decision to move this year’s meeting to a fully virtual event due to the recent uncertainty about the reopening of the Western Australian borders, and a likely rapid escalation of local COVID cases with consequent further public health restrictions that would impact on the ability to provide a viable live or hybrid event.
A fully virtual event comes with benefits however and we are pleased to announce that we will now have two international keynote speakers, Prof Matteo Cesari and Prof Bruno Vellas, in addition to our two renowned Australasian speakers, Prof Joe Ibrahim and Dr Michal Boyd. To acknowledge all the work that has already gone into the program development and the abstracts that have been submitted so far, the virtual event will still provide presenters the opportunity to share their work with the community. We have a fantastic scientific program featuring incredible international and local speakers with engaging presentations and live Q&A sessions.
We are extremely disappointed we cannot connect with you face-to-face in beautiful Perth, but we have lined up some exciting interactive networking opportunities that everyone is welcome to join! More information on these will be announced in due course.
If you have registered to attend the conference in person, you will be contacted by the Conference Organiser to organise a transfer to a virtual registration. Differences in fees will be refunded. All virtual registrations will remain unchanged.
If you have submitted an abstract and opted to present in person, you do not have to do anything. Your submission will still be reviewed for inclusion in the virtual scientific program.
To view the conference program and for registration information, please visit the conference website at http://www.anzsgmconference.org/.
Thank you for your understanding and support in these challenging times. We look forward to you joining us online in June 2022.
Dr Fiona Connelly
2022 Conference Convenor